iPad Pro Heckler Windfall Stand
- Product Code: H236-BG
- Availability: In Stock
Secured, Not Enclosed
Your iPad isn't going anywhere. Our patented tablet brackets closely contour and capture your iPad's corners with heavy steel. In addition, our brackets secure your Lightning cables and Card Reader cables.
But security need not equate to a lack of functionality. With WindFall Stand Prime, every camera, button, switch, speaker, and port remains functional and accessible. You can use the Guided Access feature in iOS to limit the functionality of the Home button and other iPad features.
Secure Mounting Options
Each Stand Prime includes PivotTable, the versatile mounting accessory for WindFall products. Use the included double-sided adhesive disc to secure it down to your countertop, or the single-sided adhesive to allow the Stand to move freely. Install PivotTable in the center hole for easy swiveling, or in the pivot-and-slide slot to allow your Stand to reach across to your customers. Secure a Kensington ClickSafe Cable Lock to the Stand's base or to the PivotTable for added security.
Tamper-Resistant Assembly
Practicality doesn't have to compromise good looks. WindFall Stand Prime's fingerprint- and scratch-resistant powdercoat finish is as durable as it is gorgeous. Stand Prime's tamper-resistant, stainless steel hardware gives you the peace of mind to be able to leave your tablet unattended.
Technical Specifications
Compatible DevicesiPad Air 1, iPad Air 2, 9.7-inch iPad ProCompatible SoftwaresCompatible Card ReadersAmazon Local Register, Bank of America Mobile Pay on, Eventbrite Neon, Eventbrite, Groupon Payments, ID TECH Augusta, ID TECH MiniMag II, ID TECH SecureMag, ID TECH Shuttle, ID TECH UniMag II, ID TECH UniMag Pro, ID TECH UniPay Card Reader, ID TECH iMag Pro II, ID TECH iMag Pro, ID TECH iSmart, Intuit GoPayment, MagTek Dynamag, MagTek iDynamo, MagTek uDynamo, PayAnywhere (Apple Pay, EMV), PayPal Here, ROAMPay, Rambler, Shopify, Square Contactless + Chip Reader, Square Reader 2014, SumUp, Verifone SAIL, iDynamo 5, iZettle
Depth: 5.75 inches
Height: 6 inches
- WindFall Stand Prime
- Card reader bracket
- PivotTable installation accessory
- Assembly tool
- Four friction feet
- Four sliding feet